Monday Jul 29, 2019
PDF Mini-Reviews (Tome 320)
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
In this episode Jeff and Tracy sit down with Jeremiah McCoy, Celeste Conowitch, and David Gibson to review and discuss 5 different D&D 5e products available in PDF format from the DMsGuild.
Thanks to our sponsor: Noble Knight Games
Celeste Conowitch on the Web
Celeste Conowitch on Twitter
Jeremiah McCoy on the Web
Jeremiah McCoy on Twitter
David Gibson on Twitter
David Gibson on the Web (5MWD)
Tracy on Twitter
Tracy on the Web
Jeff on Twitter

Monday Aug 28, 2017
More PDF Minis Reviews! (Tome 286)
Monday Aug 28, 2017
Monday Aug 28, 2017
In this episode, Jeff and Tracy sit down with Jeremiah McCoy to talk D&D 5e PDFs!!
Thank you to our sponsor for this episode: Noble Knight Games
Jeremiah on the Web
Jeremiah on You Tube
Tracy on Twitter
Tracy on the Web
Jeff on Twitter

Monday Apr 17, 2017
5e D&D PDF Mini-Reviews (Tome 278)
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
In this episode Jeff and Tracy sit down with Jon Green and review several D&D 5e products available on the Dungeon Master's Guild or DriveThruRPG.
Reviewed Products:
All Things Through the Bright Flames
It Builds Character
A Guide to Out of the Abyss
Dragon Drop Adventures 5e
A Guide to Storm King's Thunder
Adventurous Archetypes
Complete Adventures of MT Black Vol I
Jeff on Twitter
Tracy on Twitter
Jon on Twitter

Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Dungeon Master's Guild Grab Bag Review (Tome 267)
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
In this episode Jeff and Tracy are joined by Allison Rossi and Jon Green to discuss and review some new products available on the DM's Guild.
Jeff on Twitter
Tracy on Twitter
Allison on Twitter
Jon on Twitter
Tome Show Patreon Page
Dungeon Master's Guild

Wednesday Jul 30, 2014
Planescape PDF review featuring Monte Cook (Tome 236)
Wednesday Jul 30, 2014
Wednesday Jul 30, 2014
This long lost episode, Tome 236, sees the gang talking about Planescape - the 2nd edition D&D setting. Jeff and Tracy and joined by Sam Dillon and James Introcaso to discuss 3 different D&D adventures written for the Planescape setting. They also interview Monte Cook, one of the main designers of the setting.Enjoy the show!Support us below...

Wednesday May 01, 2013
Cutter Preview (PDF)
Wednesday May 01, 2013
Wednesday May 01, 2013
The good folks over at IDW hooked us up with a preview of the latest D&D comic, Cutter. This story follows the fate of the famous sword from the Drizzt tales and where it is now, as told by RA and Geno Salvatore. Issue #2 just came out today, take a look at issue #1 to see if it's got your interest and then head out to buy up the series while it's still in the opening chapters. Enjoy!

Thursday Jul 14, 2011
Tome Build: Anguillian
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
On a recent Tome Episode Erik Scott De Bie and Matt Goetz talked about running aquatic games...as part of that we also discussed re-making an old monster, the Anguillian. Little did I know that when I asked them for a few stat blocks to include in the show notes that they'd send along a document full of lore, tactics, and five new creatures fully stated out and ready to run completely with some completely awesome, totally publish-worthy artwork by Matt's wife, Roxxy.
I decided to spend a little time turning it into a nice looking PDF, manipulate the artwork a little bit. And give it all to you.
I hope you enjoy this half as much as I did. Please let us know if you run them in your game.
And on a side note, if you need help figuring out how to run aquatic games, don't just check out Tome ep 177 where we discussed it, but also check out the At-Will site which has a series of articles about running aquatic games.